Ahh, I have many fond memories of family visits to the ol' barberer. Good times!
Comic idea credited to Snip!
Long weekend hype! Migraine not hype! Snip got a Costco sheet cake yesterday, and it is pretty extra. Extra sweet, that is.
The secrets squirrels bury.. nuclear weapons and quantum particle micromorphamagation. Or more accurately, I drew the squirrels too small but that's okay because science!
I know recipes do this so you know where to check for the preheat temperature, but I still think about this every time.
To Tail, yes, this is the most important thing. Anyway, I recently found out that Snip can read backwards/mirrored/upside-down just as easily as forward, and he claims I'm the abnormal one. Am I?
Gah, I'm so sorry for the lateness of this comic! I actually finished it a day early, because last Friday we were going to a museum and I couldn't work on it then, and last Thursday was going to be a temporary ISP disconnection, and I really should've just scheduled the comic update because then we had issues and no internet for three days! Aughh!!! Please don't do the math on that, because I'll just feel worse. Anyway, original comment was something like: if looks could kill, Tail would be a basilisk.
Whelp, I am finally feeling better! This is a very very rough rendition of what happened. Also, if I get sick again this year, I am just done. I'm leaving this planet and going somewhere where viruses and bacteria don't exist.
Snip went to a comic convention last weekend, and brought back with him con flu. My brain feels like it's in a vice and like someone is slapping me behind the eyes. A pox on his family! Oh wait..
Man, now I want carrot cake..